Posted by DR on July 25, 2005 at 12:30 []
In Reply to: Re: Wikipedia Articles on Diaper Desires posted by DailyDiapers on July 25, 2005 at 11:05
SIDNY is my site Mike. Unfortunately, I had to take the education page down temporarily for copyright violations. You see, apparently some other diaper website owners liked my writing as much as I did, and poof! Instantly, all of my articles were on their websites, without asking permission and credited with *THEIR* own by-lines. One person who inserted his/her own by-line prefaced it with, "We stole this from SIDNY." Wasn't that nice of them to say so?
It gets better... one website owner posted my articles to his/her website alongside underage diaper photos. So not only did this person fail to receive my permission, then violate my copyright, then insert his/her own by-line instead of crediting me, but then s/he desicrated my writings with inappropriate photos.
Worst of all -- I didn't discover that particular theft for about a month. But when I looked at that person's website, I noticed many SIDNY "members" -- about 50 of them -- were also members of that person's website. Yet not one of them wrote me a courtesy email to notify me that my articles had been posted there. That's harsh.
So unfortunately, my articles won't be publicly available for some time until I can figure out a way to keep them from being lifted and misused.