Posted by BrianInSF on July 23, 2005 at 00:10 []
In Reply to: WE FAILED! posted by Tom on July 22, 2005 at 18:17
I agree that any plant closings in the USA are usualy just a relocation to a country with a cheaper labor pool, usualy China(at least for the next decade or so)
However this brings up an interesting point. At least in the US the large generation bulge of baby boomers is on the verge of retirement. Soon enough many of them will be needing adult diapers. I wouldn't be surprised if the market for adult diapers explodes in the next couple years. Perhaps the increased number of diapers produced will drop prices as they can make up for profit by selling in bulk. It's still a niche market but it may just grow sizably in the comming years.
It'll be an interesting day when the Wall Street Journal has a front page article on the benifits of investing in "adult diaper futures".
I just hope speculators become to zelous and overproduce, nobody wants an oversaturated diaper market. Jesus I'm funny. Ya gots to love my dry humor, or should I say, my dry diaper humor? Damns that's two, I'm on a roll.
All that writing just to end on such cheap puns. Well any thoughts on the other paragraphs that were actualy serious?
Oscar Wilde wannabe who's currently soaking his depends,