Posted by Frank on July 22, 2005 at 22:06 []
In Reply to: WE FAILED! posted by Tom on July 22, 2005 at 18:17
It is not cost effective to produce anything
in the united states at the current time.
They most likely are moving operations to
china because walmart demanded that they do so,
or they are subcontracting an existing
manufacturer to produce their product.
I bet the store brands that walmart sells are
made in china or some place where labor is
pennies a day.
Walmart has single handedly destroyed the
consumer product manufacturing business in
the U.S. Have you heard the radio ads encouraging
young people to go into manufactureing as a
career? Thats like encouraging people to
go into computer science, those positions
have been outsourced to other countries.
It seems imminent that one day their will
be a small society of CEO's and everyone
else will be on welfare because every other
job will be out sourced.