Posted by Tropical Baby on July 22, 2005 at 20:33 []
Hey, did anyone see the newest family guy. I saw it last night on cartoon net work. I don't know how many of you watch family guy, but those who do will know what I am talking about. Chris is out causing trouble, and he does the old shit in a burning paper bag on the porch trick, to his Paraplegic neighbor Joe. Joe uses his hands and arms to put the fire out with his feet. He then notices the shit, and sniffs his foot then exclaims DUUUUTTTTTYYYYY!!!! You then hear his cute wife yell from the kitchen "I'm doing the dishes Joe, I'll change you in a minute."
I thought you all might enjoy hearing about it. If you get the chance, watch the show, not only is it a nice diaper reference, but the show is awesome.
P.S. please excuse any gramatical errors, but it's late, and I'm very very tired.