Posted by Que on July 20, 2005 at 09:05 []
I have wanted to wet the bed for a long time. Last night was the first time I have wet the bed for as long as I can remember. Usually just before going to bed I visit the toilet and pee, however last night I was watching TV on my bed and fell asleep. At midnight I woke up and turned the TV off. Them fell back to sleep. At that time I did not have to pee so I just rolled over and went back to sleep. About 4:30 am I was having a dream about going to the toilet, and woke up to found myself peeing the bed.
I have ocanily listen to the "warp My Mind" File for bed wetting. I never though that it would do any good. I am still not sure that it had any effect on me but maybe.
I have been reading many posts here for a few years and have seen similar experiences.
I am wondering if you have s similar experience, did you continue to wet the bed or was this a freak accident?