Posted by pee peed on July 18, 2005 at 06:55 []
In Reply to: Here posted by in Australia on July 11, 2005 at 16:19
Fuck Bush, Fuck all fundermentalist mental Christians, Muslims, Buddhist, Shiks, Hindus, and any other religion that exists with them.
Freedom is a right which we all have. That does not mean we have the right to abuse children, A NO NO in my oppinion and a father of one and another on the way.
But I also am an AB and I will not sucumb to this rubbish, My site is hosted in the USA but I am living over seas and do not consider myself to be under the law of the most right wing Fucker in the world. George Bush should be have been put down at birth, thus saving us all from this rubbish.
Opppps did I say that. George and all your snoops listening and reading our emails. I hate George Bush and all he stands for. Global warming. Oil prices at an all time high. How rich is he getting.
Go to hell and never come back.