I think I've been misconstrued.

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Posted by BrianInSF on July 16, 2005 at 03:42 []

In Reply to: New drinking game, posted by BrianInSF on July 15, 2005 at 13:08

What I was saying was that I've never realy had a problem with her dialect, and while I understand people's desire for a standardized language I don't know if she personaly should be chastised for it.

Frankly I find it intersting how much people get all worked up over the thing.

Though it's true it doesn't make her sound like a scholar it doesn't make her sound stupid either. Slang is oft villanized, but I tend to take Shaw's viewpoint that it produces some of the most interesting and beautiful poetry and prose of a given soceity. If anything by James Joyce were to fall into the hands of a fifth grade English teacher their head would explode, there's hardly a single rule of English that Joyce doesn't break and yet these are works regarded by many as the greatest literary pieces of the 20th century having nestled well into the litterary cannon.

I'm not upset at anyone, I'm just suggesting we might all take a step back and ask ourselves if it's realy worth being upset at each other over.

And for the record, both shots went down quite nicely. The cold liquier felt very nice on this sweltering California evening.

Excuse the misspellings in this post, I'm, well, a little drunk. I hope I can end this post without pissing everyone off (-:


Email: moboya@yahoo.com

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