Posted by DR on July 15, 2005 at 20:22 []
In Reply to: Re: webshots treasury posted by TragicImage on July 15, 2005 at 12:46
Right Tragic.
I wonder if I'm the only one who has a problem with co-opting these pictures to diaper fetish websites like ABkingdom and Mylifeplasticbag? (sic)
Its one thing to consent to a diaper photo within a fetishistic/adult context, and scatter that photo across the Web, but these sorority gals never provided consent. In fact, I'm sure they never imagined that their photos would be displayed on adult forums -- often strategically placed next to hardcore photos from Diapergal, ABsource, etc, which show nudity and sexual situations. When seen side-by-side with such adult photos, "sorority diaper photos" adopt a different context altogether. Had these youngsters been given advanced notice their seemingly innocent pictures might be co-opted by the diaper fetish community, I think most of them would have kept their photos off the Net.
With employers looking more closely into their employees' backgrounds than ever before, I wonder what action an employer might take if s/he discovered an employee's college prank diaper photo on a diaper fetish website. Even if the employer decided not to terminate the employee, the mere existence of these photos on an adult website would force the employee to answer some very difficult questions. The same could be said of the family, friends, landlords, or colleagues finding these photos on a diaper site.
I understand that these photos are erotic/interesting for some diaper folk -- and I've even perused a few of them myself. But finding them on a website like Webshots or viewing them there is very different from proliferating these photos to adult sites or linking these pictures from adult forums. IMO, just because we *can* do something doesn't mean we *should* do it, and I think we might consider acting responsibly in the best interests of these youngsters, who never intended for their photos to be co-opted by us.