Posted by BrianInSF on July 15, 2005 at 13:03 []
In Reply to: Psychologists posted by steve-wa on July 15, 2005 at 07:12
Albeit I'm more of a psychology student than scholar or doctor, I think people give far too much credit to psychologist to perform cognitive miracles. This ins't because people are obnoxiously overdemanding, it's only because how the brain works(and thus how it can be fixed) is a nebulous subject.
Therepists themselves only know so much, and more to the point for every hundred things they know they can fix one. I use the term fix loosely, cause at best what a psychologist can do is help you fix it yourself.
If this were the result of a hormonal imbalance there could be several chemical soulutions. However sexual preference and fetishes don't realy fall into that catagory. About the best a Psychiatrist could do is attempt to slow or eliminate your sex hormones altogeather. This might get rid of the desires, but it'd also eliminate any sexual desires. Which is lame.
Frankly I'd be very wary of any psychologist that says he can cure you. Though it's possible they are geniouses, it far far far more likely that they are quacks and could do some serious damage to your brain and pocket book. Your far better off going to no psychologist than a bad one.
What I would further recomend instead is attempting to go to a psychologist to see if you can't live better with this fetish. The behavious you described of binge and purge with the nappies indicates a problem that results from the fetish, not to be confused with the actual fetish. He might be able to help you have a better relationship with your sexuality, it'd have a higher chance of success and you'd enjoy it a lot more.
If you are going to go though, one final word of warning either way. Psychologist are like any other group of people. Just like mechanics and teachers, some are good, some are bad. Shop around and find one who isn't domineering or pushy, who isn't trying to "fix" you. Look for someone understanding and compassionite. An expert on sexuality may be avaliable if you live near a large metropolis or even university.
and as a final thought, psychologist are legally obligated(corect me if I'm wrong) to report child abuse and sex offenders. Be sure to explain to them that you like adult nappies, and adult -women- dressed in diapers.
hope this has helped you, if only helped you go to sleep. Best luck and wishes