Posted by oznl on July 13, 2005 at 16:44 []
In Reply to: Hypocrite posted by No One on July 12, 2005 at 20:17
VNL has a right to hold and express value judgements on various behaviours.
I happen not to agree with her position on homosexuality but since I do not regard the Bible as anything more than an occasionally interesting collection of ancient texts, this is not surprising.
VNL still has a right to express that opinion as much as I have a right to disagree with it. Her right ceases to be a right at the boundary whereupon it becomes an attempt (either direct, or by proxy) to enforce this value judgement upon unwilling third parties.
Since this isn’t being done, I can’t see the problem?
It’s a thin line I know. I don’t like the anti-homo line but if I’m going to debate it, I’d attack the argument rather than the person espousing it.
The response here seemed disproportionately vicious and personal for what was an informative post.
LOL! None of us in this forum are likely to win any prizes for normality any time soon so I’m acutely aware of the irony in these sorts of discussion but there’s not much I can do about that.
“Love in Action” is a whole different kettle of fish. It’s not a question of tolerating alternative views. These clowns are oppressing people. Their intolerance, disregard for human rights, and “ends-justifies-means” totalitarianism would be regarded (rightly) as criminal in most other contexts.
There’s a small satisfaction to be had in the knowledge that they are highly unlikely to accomplish anything significant but the real issue is all the people getting busted up in their despotic efforts. I understand something of this.