Posted by DR on July 11, 2005 at 12:14 []
In Reply to: told mt girlfriend i love nappies posted by andy on July 11, 2005 at 11:02
That took courage -- nicely done. Its great that she's accepting of you, but even if she weren't, you should be proud of yourself for fighting the fear.
A word to everyone else who wants to tell their significant others...
If you tell, say it with *confidence!* Practice saying it to yourself in the mirror three hundred times -- after a while, saying, "I like diapers" doesn't seem silly at all. Try to say it with a smile. Practice so you don't stutter, hesitate, blush, look away, or hide your head in your shirt. Say it as though you're about to spring the biggest bouquet of red roses on him/her. Hell, even tell your s/o with a bit of a cocky swagger. You can *practice* all of these things -- the same way you practice for a job interview.
Anticipate every reaction. And remember to keep your reactions lighthearted. If s/he laughs at it -- laugh with him/her. "Yeah, it is kinda weird, but damn its fun!" If s/he starts to cry, put your diapers in perspective, "Hey, diapers are no big deal -- its not like I'm dying." If s/he says s/he's not like you, make an analogy, "You know that time you wanted to play doctor -- well, I've got my roles too..." And if s/he says you've changed, then tell him/her, "No, I haven't. I liked diapers yesterday and the day before, and years before that. I haven't changed, but only your perception of me has changed."
When *you're* confident about that secret, your s/o will feel more confident about it. I've discovered that its not what you say, but how you say it that makes all of the difference in the world. So practice -- be confident -- anticipate everything s/he will say -- reply with confidence and put it all in perspective.
Because in reality, wanting to be an AB, wanting to wear diapers, or wanting your s/o to wear diapers really isn't a big deal at all. So don't get yourself all worked up over it. Now committing to paying a mortgage every month -- or raising children -- or dealing with health crises -- now those are much more important things you and your s/o may do together.