Posted by Bettypooh on July 04, 2005 at 04:21 []
In Reply to: Re: things have changed........ posted by babyshdw on July 04, 2005 at 03:40
Non-fetishes can change just as fetishes can lose their luster. Sometimes it is a purge cycle and sometimes it is permanant change. Self or spousal acceptance is what usually starts the change. AB/DL's are not all fetishists but those who are usually post on the web more because it adds to their excitement. When a fetish fades permanantly it is usually because it was substiting for something more that you need whether the need has been fulfilled or not. Or it was just something different to do for fun and now that you have done it you are getting bored with it. Never purge until at least a year has passed as the need almost always returns and just don't worry about it till then.
Email: therapybykinsey@mybed.wet