Agree with diapergirl80, jess and Soggy Susie (lon

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Posted by DR on July 03, 2005 at 12:24 []

In Reply to: Females and this fetish posted by Tim on July 03, 2005 at 00:50

Thanks to those three for adding some much needed sense to this age old debate. In addition to what they have offered, here are my thoughts on the question.

I've long believed that there are as many women into diaper desires as there are men. But some reasons why you don't see that on the Web:

1. Almost universally, througout history, women have been socialized away from sexual expression. Even today, despite their gains, women own and run only a small fraction of all businesses (clicks and bricks) in the entire sex industry. As such, women's interests are underrepresented -- their voices less often heard. I can only think of a handful of diaper kink websites run by women or devoted to women's needs compared with the thousands of such sites geared for men.

2. The early diaper kink "community" was founded by men, and promoted exclusively to men. Diaper folk have had 10 or so years to mingle on the net, but prior to that time, DPF had a 15-year history -- a history almostly exclusively male. That (nearly) all-male community simply transferred itself into virtual space in the mid-1990's, putting women on an immediate online numbers disadvantage.

Think about it like a bar with a history of promoting to men. Then one day, it starts promoting on t.v., to both men and women, but when women arrive at the bar, they see 200 guys and 5 women. Sure women can come in and mingle, but only the bravest gals will endure the comments, the overblown attention, and the harassment.

Note -- the male-female ratio *inside* the bar doesn't represent the male-female ratio *outside* that bar. The number of visible diaper women on the net neither represents the true number of women online nor offline.

3. Finally, I'll note that men and women are much more alike in their sexual wants and needs than they are different. This suggests that there are as many women into diaper desires as there are men.

Consider that 100 years ago, scientific consensus was that women did not have orgasms. According to the "experts," women did not enjoy sex at all. Thanks to people like Kinsey, Masters and Johnson, we now know that women do enjoy sex and orgasm as much (if not more) than their male counterparts.

40 years ago, women weren't supposed to voice their opinions about sex. But thanks to the US women's movement of the 1970's, empowering women with economic and legal freedoms, openness about women's sexuality is increasing year-over-year.

In DPF's early years, women represented less than 1 percent of the total roster. Today, women represent almost 10% of DPF's roster. Have women's sexual preferences changed that much in those 20 years, or is it more likely that women are becoming more and more comfortable with their voices, their bodies, and their sexualities?

I'll be an old man in 50 years, but I'm sure that at that time women will equal men in the diaper world. But to get there, women must be brave -- they must take responsibility for their voices by speaking up, by creating websites, by organizing real-time diaper groups, and by putting overzealous men in their places. Over time, the men will learn. I see this happening already -- a new birth of respectful diaper men, who treat women with equality. If they want women to hang around, the men will work to get there.

To get there, women must not hide in the shadows when men overstep their bounds, but these gals must stand firm and teach other women how to be strong in committment of their voices.

Diapergirl80, Jess and Soggy Susie -- I think you've done exactly that with your posts here. I hope you continue to do so.


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