Posted by DR on July 01, 2005 at 17:48 []
In Reply to: Black diaper lovers posted by Golly on July 01, 2005 at 17:15
"Are there any black diaper lovers? You never seem to find any on the net."
Yes you do. I've met many -- both on the net and in person. But you should be asking whether those black diaper folk feel comfortable interacting in a community that scarcely represents them. 90% of the diaper fetish models are white or white hispanic. A similar proportion of diaperists, who join ABDL rosters, (of which there are few) claim they are white. In years past, before the net was born, nearly all advertisements about us (DPF etc.) were placed in male magazines geared for whites. Even before diaper folk exploded onto the net, the diaper community was skewed in favor of white men.
And today, nearly 70% of all websites around the world are written in English -- catering to predominantly white cultures -- despite the fact that English speakers represent a substantial minority of the world's population.
Is it then any surprise that most of those diaper folk we meet on the net are male whites? The Internet is an imperfect tool of representation. Consider those diaper folk living in countries that have limited internet access, limited freedoms on sexual expression, limited ability to find and translate diaper websites (made mostly by whites in English), and then their challenge to respond accordingly.
I've noticed that too many diaper folk place stock in what they perceive on the Web -- vis-a-vis male/female proportions, white/black proportions, sexual orientation proportions, etc. They make promulgations such as, "20 men to every woman" when they have only the weakest Internet evidence at hand.
Let's remember first and foremost that people around the world, across all cultures and differences, are much more alike than they are different. Its thus much more likely that diaper folk exist in abundance and in proportion across all genders, sexual orientations, races, ethnicities, geographies, economies, and ideologies.