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Posted by kalory on October 26, 2003 at 10:31 []

I can't log into my website to add anything, so I'll post a taste of a re-occuring dream I've been having. It wasn't in like a movie form, it was like a old guy telling me a story sitting in a rocking chair. It was kinda cool. He was by a fireplace, in the house I used to live in the first 6 years of my life. We had a full bar in the corner of the living room that always smelled of margaritta mix ((I didn't know till a few years ago what that smell was)). I could smell it in my dream ... anyway here is the start of the story:

Isolated with Friends
by kalory

One morning I woke up and realized I had been living in the wrong place my whole life. I was not like anyone around me; not even my family had the same personality traits as me. So I just up and left, just like that. I figured I was an adult without anyone to answer to, without major responsibilities. I wasn't married, had no children, and didn't even have a dog. I wasn't happy in the "real" sense of the word. It took some time to pack and load up the U-haul, but it was kinda fun really. I had no idea where I would end up, or even where I was planning to go. It was an adventure I was looking forward to. A new start in a new environment seemed like just the thing to match my new outlook.

That was the best thing I ever did in my entire life! Yes-sir-ree, if I had not just up and did what I did, my life would not have turned out as great as it has. I will tell you a story that you probably will not believe, but you are gonna be told anyway. Know why? Because this story is about you. I know you wear diapers, and I know you love em! Ha Ha Haaaaaa, yeah, I know it. See I love em too. That is why I did what I did. I'll start from the beginning.

It was a cold rainy afternoon; the kind of day that pushes on you like it doesn't want anyone to get their work done. I wasn't strong enough to push back, so I stayed home from school. I know I was suppose to be a good boy and go to all my classes - be responsible an all that jazz. Pttttthh. That is what I say to that. I hate college. No matter what I do I am never going to be excellent in any ONE thing. I am average all the way around. I don't even have a major yet. I really want to do something great, but how am I going to find out what that is sitting in Dr. Davidson's class learning about hydrocarbons? I don't want to end up like my dad, sitting in a job he hates, going home to complain about it all night, then getting right back up and going to that job again 5 days a week. It seems pointless to me to waste a lifetime doing something you hate.

I sat down on my couch and tried to write out everything I loved in life. Here is what my listed started to look like after about an hour:

1. My 80's - 90's collection of toys.
2. Watching cartoons related to my above mentioned toys (and a few new ones).
3. Wearing and using diapers.
4. Finding ways to wear diapers to family gatherings without anyone knowing, hee hee
5. Listening to music, mostly alternative & rock, but I have recently discovered classical to be very nice.
6. Building things ... I discovered this when I accidentally kicked a hole in the wall as I tried kicking my sister (but missed). My mom made me repair it by breaking down all the dry wall and rebuilding it. At least now I have my own apartment thanks to grandpa leaving me a sweet inheritance after he died last year.
7. Volunteering for the Houses for Humanity project.
8. The thought of wearing diapers outside and no one caring because they all wear em too.

This list really only took 20 minutes to write, but I spent about 45 minutes thinking about that last one before falling asleep in a pair of sticky shorts.

About a week later I couldn't get that list out of my head. I tried my hardest to figure a way to combine them into one big great thing for my life. Nothing! All I could come up with was to be a carpenter. In order to make great money, and not have to deal with blow hard bosses, I would have to major in engineering. That was out of the question. I also started chatting to a few people online about all this stuff. I have never met anyone in person like me, but there sure are a hell of a lot of them online! Haaa haaa. Boy some of them are more into diapers then I am. They make me laugh sometimes though. It's all in fun.

One guy I was talkin to agreed with me when I stated how great it would be to have our own town like the Amish do. We laughed about it and came up with a bunch of scenarios. We thought that it would become like a two side town where the AB's thought the DL's were too conservative and the DL's thought the AB's were too annoying. It was funny to think about an AB/DL war, Haaaa Haaaa! What a sight that would make!

Another week went by, about 3 exams were passed (just barely), and my life plans were continuing to give me problems. However, there was a three day weekend coming up, which I had no trouble making plans for. I had my fridge all stocked up, my phone unplugged, and my diapers all ready...

-To Be Continued-


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