Re: eney 1 wear nappys in public,uk intrests

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Posted by someguy on October 20, 2003 at 17:25 []

In Reply to: eney 1 wear nappys in public,uk intrests posted by nappy,nappy on October 20, 2003 at 12:43

i wore a nappy to university last week, was very risky, i put on 1 nappy with 2 nappy boosters (can pee all day basically) and then put on an extra nappy after so it doesnt bulge down too much after wetting or leak (even tho its bloody obvious im wearing one lol) then i put on some slightly baggy jogging bottoms which made it a little less noticeable. it was funny when i got there, most people didnt care less to actually look which was pretty cool, so then after uni i had to go poopy real bad and i just did it there and then, was excellent feeling; was just doing my daily things, shopping for some computer games etc ;) i went home and cleaned up. was a good day and first time outside properly in a nappy.


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