Who designs these things?!

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Posted by Wet in Ft Worth on October 20, 2003 at 02:12 []

I often wonder if the people that design adult diapers have ever had to wear them? Wouldn't it be great to work for a diaper manufacturer as a diaper tester? Getting paid to wear and use diapers every day. That would be the sweetest job on Earth! I found an adult diaper that is just about as close to a babies diaper that I have ever seen! They are made and sold by Eckerds. They only have one tape per side! Actually its a velcro fastener, but it looks good, and it isn't incredibly huge to where the diaper is tickling your armpits. Its almost like a bikini cut diaper. The only problem is that they don't hold much. After one or two wettings, they are done. They also have a cloth-like texturing, which SUCKS! I would make them thicker and loose the cloth like cover. They would be an inch thick when dry! Why can't someone make a diaper like that?!?

Email: southron7@aol.com

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