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Posted by kalory on October 18, 2003 at 15:49 []

In Reply to: some opera ladies wear diapers posted by kalory on October 18, 2003 at 15:39

I will be attending a synphony tomorrow afternoon ((because in this class I have to attend 3 during the semester and write a report)). I'm nervous, because this is the first social outting for me in a few years; other then school, I pretty much stick close to home. In addition to this I will need to wear diapers ((not just pull ups)) because I don't like using public restrooms. The problem with diapers is they are hard to hide when wearing formal attire.

I'm not really asking for advice. This is just a sudden realization that brought up some fears I haven't really had to face in a while. I don't have anyone else to talk about these things with, and it feels a little better being able to talk about it.


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