Posted by kalory on October 16, 2003 at 12:32 []
In Reply to: My thanks! posted by BabyChris on October 15, 2003 at 20:29
...with prolly hundreds of others who are attached to something. Not only those of us who hold on to childhood comforts ... millions hold onto certain behaviors they had as kids; whether it be to eat cereal in the mornings, to keep certain clothing even if they no longer fit or look good in, wear their hair the same way all their life ... whatever it is, we all have something familar that we hang on to. I am on the wrong side of this issue for anyone to really listen to me outside of this website. Not even my mom will even hear the reasons why I love my blankie ... she accepts it, but doesn't ever want to disscuss it. This is true for a lot of people, because in order to disscuss it they would have to hear about the bad things that occured, or felt, or just thought about as reasons for needing the comfort in the first place.
Of course there are those that say they just like being an ab/dl without anything ever causing their feelings. I think they just don't know why, and conclude there must not be anything specific. Everything has a cause ... hence the various Cause and Effect genres I have to learn about through college in order to graduate. Every subject has some type of theory that one thing leads to another, which was effected from something previous that happened. Not everyone lives the same life, but we all are living life based upon those that came before us.
Thank God the Kimberly-Clark team came along!! lol