Re: Need help bed wetting

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Posted by doc dare on October 13, 2003 at 16:29 []

In Reply to: Need help bed wetting posted by Michael on October 13, 2003 at 15:06

Try drinking a large cup of coffee before going to bed there is liquid in this and the coffee should reduce the need to go before bed.

obviously dont drink so much that you wont sleep but a big mug an hour before bed should do the trick.

also try getting whammed on cider
I often get slated in here for this one, but enough alchol will get you sleepy and slightly too much, you will not be in control of your body once asleep.
This one i feel is a true accident as the want was alchol and a wet bed just happend because of it.
The other options are all planned so cann't be refered to as accidental

You may want to go to a herbalist for a natural sleeping solution so as to combat the sleeping on a full bladder.

Go to bed very tired/exhausted nothing will wake you from this state.

Try retraining your bladder.
For the first three days keep emptying your bladder regularly and frequently into a toilet.
start with every hour then move up to every half hour.
For the next two days take all bathroom trips in a pair of underwear, this can still be done sat on a toilet but must be through your pants.
this is to get you used to peeing in your pants so that it does not feel alien to you.
By the fifth day you should now be completely un-potty trained so even a small drink before bed will result in a wet bed.

My prefered methods are coffee and alchol as these can still be refered to as accidents, however it all depends how far you want to take it.

good luck and get a decent mattress protector
you are going to need it


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