Posted by the Lone Ranger on October 13, 2003 at 14:56 []
I would like to share with you all a modern mith.
we all know of the hand in the glass of warm water trick,
this is suposed to induce a sleeping wetting. However very few reliable sources have ever witnessed this.
I would now like to add to this the call centre.
For the last six months I have been working on a call centre, half hoping to witness a wetting incident and very grateful for a job.
However with all the rumour going round that a call centre is the place to be for both a pants wetter, & wet pants apreciater.
I am very disapointed.
I have seen nothing.
No tel tale wet spots on the floor, No pee pee dances, No fragrant smell, Nobody dashing down the coridor, no genital holding, & definately no wet pants.
So I have now come to the conclusion that the call centre, like the hand in warm water is just another urban/modern mith.
Love you all
stay moist