Posted by MMK on October 12, 2003 at 13:39 []
In Reply to: Re: twins legal age doesnt matter posted by No One on October 09, 2003 at 19:44
If people are collecting photos of them with their feet to use as material specifically to get aroused by, then they make it pornographic material. The point is all about respect.
Maybe I could make it easier for you to understand by a little demonstration? - do you have any children in your life that you care about? respect? value? Give me 20 photographs of them, and their legal names, and I'll turn them into perfectally 'legal' little porn stars, by plastering pasties of them to every variety of fetish group out there, just like what happens to the Olsen twins, (yes you can find Olsen twins in foot fetish groups too)- Don't worry, perfectly legal, no 'nudity'. I'll distribute adjusted 'legal' photos of those children you love to ensure that thousands of fetishests who get off on underage children in the fantasy role of their fetish, get off on looking at your kids! Doesn't that sound great! And guess what! They'll even know your kids names, they can make all their sexual fantasies about the diaper pasties, or their delicate little feet, and what they'd like to do/with those feet, real personal! Then your kids, when they search the internet for their own names one day, will discover how well loved they are by the public! Maybe the mother of those kids will discover it too! Won't they be happy! to be the object of lust to thousands... won't they think 'oh it's harmless! oh it's -legal-'?
NO, they'll think I've been exploited, I feel degraded, I feel used, I feel violated.
the REASON behind the law, is to protect children from ABUSE, when you sexualize a child, when you exploit them for your own sexual gratification - even if it can't be pinned down by the law, you are evading the purpose behind the law, which is to protect that child from feeling violated, used, and as a sexual object.
Hey, you're a legal adult, legally you could send me 20 naked pictures of you, and your legal name, I could make you the object of lust - say in the gay Nazi skin head groups...
Don't think it's the same thing? Think it's different because diapers are innocent, and AByism is somehow 'sweet'... the point is not what you think, the point is what the people whose images you are exploiting think.
It's about consent, and violating it.
My opinion.
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