Posted by Crazi on October 04, 2003 at 10:29 []
In Reply to: trimmer fitting goodnights:( posted by kalory on October 03, 2003 at 17:05
The only pull up types of diapers I fit into are adult ones, but I recall wearing my little brother's (unused) pullups back in the day. I've never been a fan of pull ups, but I recommend Attends pull ups if you're going to use them. I wore one to bed recently, and though I don't (thankfully) wet the bed, I always have a copious amount of pee to release in the morning, and did so. To my suprise and delight, it held it all, and absorbed it fast as well. After I take my morning pee, be it in a diaper or toilet, I always go outside to have a smoke. I sat down on my wet pull up and was happy to find no leaks when I stood up. I've heard that Abena has pull ups, and I know you're a big fan of theirs, but I don't think they distribute to the US yet. If I hear different, I'll let you know.
On a final note, be glad you have a washer period. I have to wash all my clothes at work, about ten miles away from my appartment. Granted, it's free, but I guess that's just one of the benefits (HA!) of being in the Air Force.