Diapers at Sound Relief

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Posted by MDB on March 14, 2009 at 06:28 []

Hey Guys

I couldnt believe my luck today at the Sound Relief concert in Melbourne....

I was up the front near the stage and there was a group of about 7 girls who had been there all day... My girlfriend got talking to them and was apparently saying how they hadnt moved since 10am, this was about 6pm.. Then one of the girls told her that their secret was to bring food and water with them and to wear disposable diapers so that they dont have to lost their spot for anything!!!

Whilst I didnt see their nappies i had a hard time not thinkng about then was under their jeans and dresses...

Funnily enough my girlfriend commented on how it was a really good idea, yuck, but a good idea none the less..

I wonder next time we go to something like that I can suggest we both do it, lol.


Email: tim.nitschke@gmail.com

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